Donie Friends ca 1916


Contributed by:  Mrs. W. Carter

Donie Friends c. 1916


L-R Back row: Ethel Mae May (m. Cook), Malinda Richardson May holding Elouise May (m. Hughes),
Emma Richardson (m. Newsom), Joe Williams, Bess Huffman, Marion "Golly Bum" Little.

L-R Front row: James H. May, Americus "Ma" Huffman holding Dink Williams, Mamie Little holding son, Harrel,
Amy Williams with J. C. and Lois Williams (m. Nanny), Melton May. 

James and Malinda May were parents of Ethel and Elouise. Joe and Amy Williams were parents of Dink, J. C. and Lois.
Mayme and Marion were parents of Harrell. Mayme and Amy were twin daughters of Ma Huffman.