Police Officer J.R. Nall Issues Warning

Greenville Evening Banner
Feb 17, 1922

Police Officer J.R. Nall, who has been assigned the special duty of enforcing the ordinances against dogs running loose without muzzles and against chickens running at large, makes the following statement to the public for their benefit: "The city ordinance requiring owners of chickens to keep them from running loose is once more called to the attention of citizens of Greenville.

If I serve a citizen with one notice to keep up his chickens, please do not expect me to serve him with another one.

I wish to be fair and just to everybody and I hope that I will not be compelled to ask people into court because they have not complied with the notice given them; however, if you have received one notice, and your chickens continue to run at large, you must expect to be brought into court.

"Also, if you own a dog keep him muzzles, or else keep him securely tied or fastened, for if he should get out without a muzzle he is in danger of being shot and killed.

"This is a fair warning to everybody on both propositions, and it will be considered final.
---- J.R. Nall, Policeman."

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