Located on Nowotny property, near Welfare in Kendall County.


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Photos taken many years ago Courtesy of Fred A. Bartel

The site consists of four general rows of graves, all appearing to face East. There are three large hand-worked limestone markers. The majority of the graves are marked at the perimeter by rubble rocks.

In 1989 there were 13 grave sites with the possibility that two of them contain two burials. The only name found was Kathryn Rain.

One marker has Rest in Pease (sic).

One grave is surrounded by the remnants of a white wooden fence. The limestone marker inside the fence has a cross carved in relief. We could make out only the letters B and D.

A second limestone marker has crosses cut in relief on front and back.

These people lived in the Black Colony at the Nowotny Ranch. The railroad provided them with housing. Many chose to remain at this place after the railroad work was finished.

Note: The cemetery is located in a dense cedar break and is very difficult to access.
Submitted by Anne Stewart

Latest Update September 24, 2008