Hwy. 46, W of Boerne

HISTORY: William George Hughes arrived in Kendall County in 1879 from England and purchased this property. He first slept under the stars until he raised a shanty to keep the weather out. This was his home until the house was built in its original form. This original house had stairs on the outside to the second floor. The McFarland family later added the upper and lower porches around the sides. A community of English emigres formed around the ranch and named the community Hastings. The Hastings schoolhouse became a guesthouse for the later owners.

In 1949 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rolf purchased the property from McFarland. They in turn sold to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maytum.

Source: Boerne Public Library files, February, 2000. For more about this ranch and Mr. Hughes, See the book, "An American Saga", by Garland Perry.

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