
525 S. Main, Boerne

DESCRIPTION: Large, two story, federal/colonial style. No columns on the porch. The O'Grady (Kendall Hotel) was torn down to build this house.

HISTORY: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Vogt were probably the first occupants of this house, living there many years. In the late 1950s, after their deaths, the house was used by Pat and Frieda (Vogt) Ebensberger for their gift shop. Frieda specialized in cut glass, fine china, decorative household items and some antiques. Many brides chose their china and crystal from her. Mrs. Ramey carried on the tradition for a number of years after Mrs Ebensberger.

Mr. Ramey sold after Mrs. Ramey's death to Michael and Anna (Rodriguez) Schoch. The Schoch's three children were born and reared while they lived in this lovely two story home. - from personal knowledge of Cathy Schwarz.

Source: Boerne Public Library files.- May, 1999

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