Sanderson School

School Children in Sanderson, circa 1920

Sanderson School, circa 1920, Terrell County, Texas
from the back of the photo - written in pencil, not all are clear enough to make out.
right to left
back row
Gladys Carter
Ruby Firaway (sp)
John Stout
Noah Mac Donald
Sam Ross Winn
Paul Harper
Emily Strange
Mildred Stevens
Merle Le (sp)
Robert Stirman
Joe Morris
Amelia Heath
Norris White (Novis -)
Effie Toms
Helen Stirman
Lorane (sp) Stirman
Lucile Powell (my aunt)

front row
Gilbert Ellis
Jessie MacDonald
Ernest Farley (sp)
Floyd S. (sp)
Frances S. (sp)
Billie Bradley
John (?) Smith ? Jack ?
Lewis Fletcher
Lawrence Collins
John Green, Jr.
Teacher: Luc (?) Vivian
Courtesy of Mavis Sager, contributed Sep 2008

School Chums, Sanderson High School, Terrell County, Texas
left to right: Waynene Cade, Barbara Clark, Betty Faye Sullivan, and Jim Bradford. A class favorites photo for 9th or 10th grade. Year unknown.
contributed by Jim Bradford.

Sanderson High School, Terrell County, Texas
Sanderson High School
contributed by Jim Bradford