The Stamford News
January 4, 1907
Transcribed by Dorman Holub

The Stamford News
Friday, January 4, 1907
Vol. 7, No. 45

Today as the children were coming from school at noon, near the Presbyterian church, little Otis Short and another boy were in the street and Otis either attempted to run across the street up in front of the White Hardware delivery wagon, or stepped in front of the wagon and the horse stepped on him breaking his thigh. Drs. SLEDGE and McREYNOLDS set the leg. Otis is 8 years of age and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. SHORT.

R.F. HONES who has been bookkeeper, for the Central at this place for a long time has accepted the agency for the Wichita in Stamford and will take charge of the business at the first of the year.

Oscar PETERSON, who lives near Leuders got both legs broken yesterday while clearing some new land Mr. PETERSON was standing behind the stump-puller, when a rope slipped and let the beam fly back. The beam struck him just below the knees breaking both legs. Dr. McREYNOLDS was called and dressed the wound.

At about fifteen minutes after one o’clock the fire alarm was turned in and in spite of the lateness of the hour a large number responded to the call promptly. The fire was in the yard at the ROSEMOND Gin. There was no serious damage.

On last Sunday evening Dec. 30th, Mr. Joe McKEEVER and Miss Fannie GILLESPIE were united in marriage while remaining in the buggy in front of Judge BUIE’s residence. Dr. WARD officiating. They were accompanied by Mr. Tom COKE and Miss GILLESPIE a sister of the bride.

Cuous and Mrs. Petrea ROMO married at the short order house this evening. Rev. R.B. EVANS officiating.

Albert VARGOS who killed Miss Emma BLAKLY at Baird a few months ago will be hanged in Baird tomorrow. He recently wrote a letter for the press saying that he was crazed by love for the young lady. He is willing to suffer the penalty for the deed.

I have sold my interest in the SAMMONS & PATTILLO Furniture Business to W.E. WHITTINGTON & E.A. MEANS. They get all SAMMON & PATTILO notes and accounts and assume all indebtedness against said business. -- Respectfully, C.E. SAMMONS.

R.H. LANGFORD has bought the grain and feed business of W. MATTHEWS and will continue to supply the trade with all kinds of feed. Hides are also bought at the highest market price. The business will be conducted at the old stand west of the First National Bank.

Local and Personal
From Wednesday’s Daily
Allie EVANS returned to Polytechnic College this morning.
Luther ASHBURN returned to Baylor University at Waco.
Mr. D. EGGER of Waxahachie and head of the firm of D. EGGER was in town.
Bernard brYANT left for Austin College at Sherman.
Gray PATTILLO left for Fort Worth to attend Polytechnic College.
Mr. P. MOODIE, the contractor in the College building came last night and will begin work at once. The engineer will located the ground this morning, and work will begin in earnest.

Wanted: To know the whereabouts of S.H. LOGGINS. Important. - R.M. LOGGINS, Voss, Texas

From Thursday’s Daily
Chas. S. FISHER of Belton came to town.
Hands wants at the Stamford Mill. Wages $1.75 per day.
W.B. LAWTON came in on this morning’s train to visit relatives in Hamlin.
O.A. RADFORD came in this morning from Hill county to see the land.
Mrs. G.L. DAVENPORT, Mrs. A. RIDDLE and little daughter, Fay left for Ranger.
S.B. WILLIAMS of Mineral Wells will open a business soon in Stamford.
Mack COX of Oakwoods came this morning. He will take charge of the books of the R.M. DICKENSON Grocery Co.
Mrs. A.L. PURIFOY and children returned from Cameron, Texas after the holidays with the homefolks.
Mr. J.N. LUDWICK of Moody is in town visiting her daughter, Mr. T. ROGERS.
Miss Ruby PRICE came in from Marlin on her way to Anson to visit relatives.
T.C. HAGENS of Marlin came through Stamford on his way to Anson.
John THOMPSON of Blooming Grove came in last night. Mr. THOMPSTON is a carpenter and contemplates remaining in Stamford.
ADCOCK bros. have put in a full glass front on their grocery store.

Stamford Postoffice advertised letters - Dec. 30, 1906

Next Sunday is the regular quarterly communion service at the Presbyterian church. The pastor expects Dr. WARD to be with him again and take a prominent part in the service.

Recently Messrs. W.D. and George REYNOLDS of Haskell sold 4,000 acres of land to Messrs. B.E. SPARKS and F.C. WEINERT. The price which the land sold for was $12.50 per acre, making a total of $50,000.

A.R. DAVIS returned from a visit to his mother and sister, who live at Dodd City in Fannin County.

Local and Personal
From Friday’s Daily
Miss Minnie BIZZEL who has been teaching in Buckner’s Orphan Home at Dallas has come home for the holidays.

From Saturday’s Daily
Mrs. E.V. COMPTON who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. G.W. McELVEEN, left this morning for her home at Taylor, Texas.
C.S. SHIPP has sold his residence to Mr. ADCOCK, and will move to Rotan as soon as the town is opened.
Will CARGILL went to Sherman to enter Austin College.
Mrs. W.H. HAM and niece, Johnnie OLDHAM has been visiting relatives in the country.
N.H. HARWICK of near Abbie, was called to Hillsboro by telegram announcing the death of his sister, Mrs. Vada ELDRIDGE.
Mrs. L.A. COPELAND, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. B.F. BUSBY, left on the train this morning for Avoca and will go from there to her home at Carbon.
Rev. J.A. WARD and wife now of Avoca will spend the Sabbath with former parishioners in Stamford and the Doctor will fill the pulpit in the Presbyterian church at the usual hours.
J.B. FLOURNOY of Sweetwater, Alabama and G.D. FLOURNOY of Goldthwaite, Texas have been spending the holidays with their brother, J.A. FLOURNOY near Marcy. These brothers have not met since 40 years, and the remarkable fact is that neither of them had ever had a physician in that time.

From Monday’s Daily
S.C. HARRIS and family visited kinfolks in Rule.
J.H. GREER returned from his old home in Hubbard and East Texas.
A.W. HALE returned from Fredonia, Kansas where he spend Xmas with his father and mother.
Mrs. George HARRIS and baby, left for their old home at Allen, Texas. Her sister, Miss Bess MARSHALL has been visiting her.
Chas. C.H. LISTER who has been with the News for sometime left for Hillsboro. Mr. LISTER is not only a first class printer, but he is also a first class man.

The board of trustees has accepted the plans for the new building. Mr. H.D. ROCHhead of Corsicana, is the architect. The building is to be 130 feet front by 79 feet deep, two stories, and a basement. There will be 10 class rooms and 4 play rooms in a basement 40 feet square. The auditorium will be large than that of the city Hall.

Stamford, Texas

JOHNSON bros. Druggists
Southside plaza
Stamford, Texas

The First National Bank of Stamford
Organized Sept. 1, 1900
W.D. REYNOLDS, Pres; R.L. PENICK, Vice-Pres.; R.V. COLBERT, Cashier; W.L. ORR, Ass’t. Cashier; H.G. NOLD, Ass’t Cashier. Directors: Charles HAMILTON, D.O. McRIMMON, R.L. PENICK, Dr. J.J. HARLAN, G.T. REYNOLDS, W.D. REYNOLDS, H.S. ABBOTT, R.V. COLBERT.

Advertising Agent
Stamford, Texas

Physician and Surgeon

Insurance, Land and Loan Agent
North Swenson

Stamford Labor Union
No. 11,843
Meets in the City Hall every Saturday night, 7:30
D.M. HART, Pres.; E.R. DAVIS, Sec’y.

Office over the new Pattillo building

Resident Dentist
Office over Citizens National Bank

Office: North side of square over PATTILLO’s Hardware Store

Stamford, Texas

Stamford, Texas

House Moving

Contractor and Builder

Have your well drilled by
Stamford, Texas

Job Printing
The News Print Shop

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