The Beckville Weekly Times

Vol. 1, No. 22, August 22, 1912
Our Motto:--"Get In and Dig, or Turn in the Spade and Quit."
C. W. Field, Editor and Proprietor
Mrs. C. W. Field, Associate Editor
Entered as second class matter April 4th 1912, at the post office at Beckville Texas, under Act of March 3rd, 1879.
Advertising Rates: 60 cents per inch, single columns per month. Locals 5 cents a line, 2 1/2 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates on large ads.

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Some Postscripts

Collars and cuffs made of the curd of goats milk, dried and compressed, are said to wear as long as celluloid.
A wagon load of grain can be unloaded in ten minutes by the use of the electric portable elevators.
Mail to line a man's coat to protect him against bullets or knives, has been patented by a California woman.
Although the automobile searchlight outfit used by the U. S. Army weighs 10,500 pounds and can make 16 miles an hour.

Snap Shots

A man who successfully courts a widow finds that he is being tried for his life.
Modern people may worship the golden calf, but it generally looks pretty much like a pedigreed Chow pup.
Patchwork pays best where the melons grow.
An effeminate man is one who buys an airgrette for his hat and says it's English.
Grandma never owned a girl who cared more for the color of her stockings than about the holes in the heels.
It takes a humbug to set people dreaming with is music.
It is all right to encourage boys and girls to play; but parents can hardly begin too early to teach their children that after all is said about it there is no kind of entertainment that hold its substance like some sort of useful employment.

Misc. Notes

They are telling of a Kansas farmer who dresses his horses in pants the year round because in winter the garments keep the animal warm, and in the summer protect him against the mess. This is precisely what pants does for the men, besides keeping some of them out of jail.
If you want to sell your land, list it with us.
A Missouri woman is suing an editor for saying her deceased husband had gone to a happier home. Saying what he honestly thought, had got many a good editor in trouble.
$1 cash, gets The Beckville Times 1 year and 100 Votes in Crawford's big Piano Contest. Do it to-day.
A Georgia lady called a man a grrndest liar on earth, and true southern gentleman that he was, he contemplated the noble adjectives she used and bowed gratefully for the compliment ____(?) ____(?) unquestionably sought ___________(?).
Take the Times now, you can pay the dollar this fall.
We have listed for sale, one of the best farms in the county, situated half way between Beckville and Tatum. See or write the The Times for terms.
We are hoping to see the day in Texas when democrat can meet democrat and shake hands without regarding the other as a liar and a scoundrel.
Quit talking so much about politics and pay more attention to the murder habit.
Jim Goode is now working for the Waxahatchie Medicine Co. and will call on you in a few days with a full line of Medicine and all kinds of stock food, etc., if you need any thing in this line Jim can supply your wants.