The Beckville Weekly Times

Vol. 1, No. 22, August 22, 1912
Our Motto:--"Get In and Dig, or Turn in the Spade and Quit."
C. W. Field, Editor and Proprietor
Mrs. C. W. Field, Associate Editor
Entered as second class matter April 4th 1912, at the post office at Beckville Texas, under Act of March 3rd, 1879.
Advertising Rates: 60 cents per inch, single columns per month. Locals 5 cents a line, 2 1/2 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Special rates on large ads.

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For County JudgeW. R. ANDERSON
For SheriffW. D. ANDERSON
For Commissioner, Precinct 2H. A. SHARP
For Justice of the Peace, Beat No. 2S. J. MARTIN
For Constable--Beat No. 2JIM WILLIAMS

Advertisers in the Beckville Times

Foley Kidney Pills
Dr. C. S. Carter -- Physician and Surgeon
G. W. Blair -- Tailor
N. Parker -- General Merchandising
Z. C. Daniels -- Wagons
B. T. Crawford -- Cotton Gin
?? Banks -- Attorney-at-law
?? Kuykendall, M. D. -- General Practitioner

Does Your Business Pay?

Citizens and business men of Beckville, are you aware of the fact that you are living in an age of progression, and that the days of olden times have past. To show you that some are behind the times of progressiveness, last week a petition was circulated among our business men for the purpose of raising money to grade Martin's creek bottom at the Iron Bridge, some of our leading business men contributed very light toward as important a thing as that. But, nevertheless by the time this is published the work will be under full headway and will be completed at a very early date, and we will say here to the people north of Martin's Creek, that with the bottom graded from one side to the other with good roads and bridges the rest of the way to town, they will have no trouble coming to market, as the rest of the roads are in pretty fair shape. We extend to the people a cordial welcome to our city to market their produce, where you find the highest market prices and the merchants with nice up to date lines of merchandise to supply your wants from. Now, a word to our citizens, our streets could be put in a little better condition before the busy season opens; culvets run under ground to drain off the water, some better foot crossings could be fixed from the street north to the railroad crossing from the barber shop to Whitfield's and then to the bank and post office, as we all know what condition these places get in when it drains. A man who travels this territory and not a stranger by any means, and who has the interest of the town at heart, and a man who knows a good town when he sees it, and knows this is a good little town, "only" she needs a few real good boosters, this man made the remark that he would donate $25.00 toward improving our streets and walks. Now gentlemen, if a man outside of your town offers this, and he meant it too, you ought to have get up enough about you to put in an equal amount and ?

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Boost our town staunch and true;
Boost it loud and boost it strong.
Try and help our town along;
Everybody lend a hand,
Come and join the booster band.
And if you have a little hammer, bury or burn it.
And every one pull and push for a bigger and better Beckville.
We have a good newspaper and a good editor, he is here to ______ ______ town and country his columns are open to you to advertise your business; if your business is not worth advertising you had better quit and close your doors for it is a dead business. If you do not put before the people what you have for sale, the other man will and he therefore gets the cream of the trade, you may say that it does not pay to advertise, but what made Sears Roebuck & Co., Mongomery Ward & Co., and others famous? ADVERTISING, that is the answer. Did it pay them? Will it pay you?

We need a Progressive League. Now citizens, lets make that move. Lets organize that league and put Beckville and Panola county before the outside world. We have better opportunities to offer than any other county. We have the garden of Eden here in East Texas. Where we can grow anything that will grow anywhere else. Our truck climate cannot be surprised. Come to Beckville ye who are heavy ladened and you will find peace and reast.

---------A CITIZEN

Young Men.

They have solved the salary question. Read how they did it.

Fargo, Ark., "I owe all my success to the grand T C C, and I especially wan to praise your station work. They work 3 operators here and the work is heavy; it is a train register station. J W Formby, Tallulad Falls, Ga., I was in Tyler Commercial College just 56 days when I was able to copy 28 words per minute. I am now holding a splendid position, and can highly recommend the T C C. W R Ivie, Stoneham Texas, Soon after leaving T C C, I was drawing $75 per month. I advise any person desiring a thorough training to enter the Tyler Commercial College. R W Cook, Duston Okla., After attending your telegraphy department 3 months, I am prepared to say your work is thorough and complete I find your station work identically the same as that used in railroad offices where I have worked. F. Henry, Atmore, Ala., After leaving your school I have started into a good telegraphy position at $70 per month. The T C C has my best wishes. D M Karr, Kaw City, Okla., Still have a good job with the A T & S F, my brother is with the Missouri Pacific at Pittsburg Kan. Best wishes for the T C C. J H Keele, Houston, Miss., I have a good position with the T O M & C Ry Co., and I give your good school credit for being able to hold it. M E Oliver, Brooklin Texas, I am now agent at my home town, drawing $71.50 per month, and a commission on express and Western Union, which makes me a little better than $100 per month. Leroy Bell,

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a course in it. J. W. Maxwell, Keo, Ark., I attended the telegraphy department of Tyler Commercial College two and a half months at a total expense of $90. I am now getting $75 a month as agent at this place for the Cotton Belt Ry. B F Gleason, Midlothian, Tex., I have a good position as operator and am getting along nicely. (note: Name missing) Oklunion, Tex., I recommend the Tyler Commercial College to any one who wishes to enter the rail way service. Their school of telegraphy and station work is the cheapest and shortest route to a good position. D F Carter, Paris, Tex., I am still with the Texas Postal. You put me on the right road. I can't recommend the T C C too highly. A few months in your school means success. J B Smallwood.

Young men, solve the salary question; write today for catalogue of America's largest school of Bookkeeping, Short hand and Telegraphy, Tyler Commercial College, Tyler, Texas.